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I called to make a claim, the person I originally spoke to put me on hold for so long when they were looking to check cover was in force, by the time they came back on the phone to confirm there was cover it was too late to make a formal claim as I ran out of time during my lunch 'hour'. I called again in an evening and was then told my claim was not insured, again I was put on hold, I had to read them their own policy wording, before then being told I could claim (there should be no question considering my policy is fully comprehensive). Once that hurdle was over I asked who the approved repairer was, to then be told I couldn't use an approved repairer. When I asked why they said it was because it wasn't an RTA (it was accidental damage to the vehicle), I asked where in the policy wording it said I couldn't use an approved repairer and they couldn't answer me. They advised that managers didn't work in the evening but one would call me back the next day to advise further. The next day came and went without a phone call. I called myself the following day, the manager looking in to the case was at lunch so a message was emailed to them to call on their return. Two hours later I still heard nothing so had to call again. I still didn't speak to said manager but I was told an approved repair could now be used, however my husband needed to call them and make a conference call with the DVLA to verify his license as the driver at the time of incident (apparently this is normal protocol with every claim) he called the same day and went through verification. I received an email to say we would have the approved repairers details no later than Monday. In the meantime we received a letter acknowledging we did not want to claim??? Very confused I called insurers, who said it had been sent in error. During this phone call I was told the license verification was outstanding, I said you must be mistaken this was done previously as requested. The person I spoke to said they would have to listen to previous calls as the verification had not been noted on the file (more time wasted). At this point I asked to make a complaint as I had no confidence in the company, that I was highly concerned that they were turning away claims that are covered under the policy and the sheer lack of customer service. I was told someone will be back in touch. Monday arrived, by 9pm I had still heard nothing about the approved repairer. I called and was told they were the out of hours team, they said they couldn't talk to me because my husband is the policyholder, this is despite me calling several times previously and reporting the initial claim. So my husband confirmed they could talk to me... I then asked who the approved repairer is. They said the file shows as being on hold and I would have to call yet again in the morning for further details. Mickey Mouse company, the saga continues....
8 years ago
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