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Martin Cronshaw
Due to an admin error on my behalf I missed the deadline for submitting my no claims bonus and driving license details on time. I have a combined no claims bonus on two vehicles of 20 years, my last driving conviction was over 25 yrs ago. So hardly a boy racer! 1st central cancelled my policy and charged the admin fee (no problem! its in the T&C's I agreed to) So..... I wanted a new policy, so I got a quote, 1st central were the cheapest again, I attempted to buy a new policy and was refused. It now appears that I am blacklisted now due to having a policy cancelled. I now have to declare that I have a policy cancelled and only have an option to say yes/no. After speaking to their customer services and explaining the situations why I missed the deadline I was passed on to the 'policy analysis team' I explained my situation again and explained again. All my original declarations were accurate, no claims bonus and driver details, no attempts to defraud or lie about anything. I am now being punished merely for returning paperwork late. Apparently human error is not permissible at 1st central, on behalf of the customer. I'm sure that errors have occurred on their side over the years, which, they will have apologised for. I now have to declare all car insurance companies that I have had a policy cancelled. My original policy was over £1000 and was paid up in full, obviously a refund is due and will take up to 5 days to process, funny how they can cancel so rapidly but not refund so quick? No,,, its not funny at all. My paper work was 5 days late,I wonder if I could claim 5 days interest for my refund??????I wont hold my breath. My new quote from them was £1300, unfortunately they choose not to insure me, just because of late paper work. They have my paperwork at their office now, just sitting there, proof of my no claims bonus and driving licence. However they don't want my £1300 to insure my car. I run my own business and often have deadlines broken by customers, however if one of them rang mea few days late I'm damn sure I wouldn't turn down £1300. The excuse 'the computer says no' is ridiculous, the idiot sat in front of the computer tells it what to do. The company must employ brain dead zombies spaced out by blue screen syndrome. Reading from a script all day must have turned their brains into mush. No sympathy, compassion or feelings about the impact they have just by pushing buttons. They cant have only done this to me, they must have done it to others. Makes me think that it might be easier just to drive it uninsured as many of the 'real' criminals on our roads. It would be cheaper than my new quotes. According to 1st central I am public enemy no.1 and must be punished form here on.
8 years ago
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