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Tanya Smith Larry sweatt
As I went in to rac on this day of April 10th I had the store manager malaka confronts me about a review I made about her rude attitude well I plain told her I left her a bad review what she just was so unprofessional it was so unbelievable and unbusiness like that I was sickened by it she also stated that her boss chrissy told her to confront me what are you kidding me I'm a paying loyal customer and I dont appreciate that at all so so unprofessional how can a boss tell another boss to confront a customer about a bad review I gave maybe yall should consider hiring a more business like professional staff like your store manager to run the place I pay for my stuff loyalty even have paid more than what I should but I do because I want to own my items but I will not tolerate being confronted about a bad review I gave about a bad employee and the rude attitude all the time over the phone or even in store unprofessional very
3 years ago
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