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They blame the customer when things go wrong , we are at their mercy which they have NONE of , they do not care that an elderly person cannot carry a huge heavy box with a large heater in to the post office as they do not drive and have no help Amazon's solution? Pay £58 to return the faulty item yourself via courier collection which may NOT get through customs and then be £261 out of pocket altogether!!! NEVER again in my life will I use Amazon , as even though I am £203 DOWN out of my GOVERNMENT BENEFITS to order my disabled Grandson a TREAT which would have THRILLED him and brightened up each and every day of his life for him IF IT WORKED , at least I have the power to LEAVE them and walk away forever now I know what they are LIKE ie heartless and do NOT CARE about the disabled , elderly or those who they ROB of their benefits or last money they have in order to TRY and brighten up a CHILD with profound disabilities LIFE DId they care? NO , are they happy to ROB me of my benefits? Oh YES and how do they make their profits? Read all of the negative reviews of the hundreds of pounds they have stolen of many a BLINDLY TRUSTING customer thinking the customer would have RIGHTS and also be CARED about but NO , not with Amazon AT ALL so I am going elsewhere forever which is easily done , as was cancelling my Amazon Prime and Amazon Music and Amazon ACCOUNT as they are not extortioning another PENNY out of me and my vulnerable CHILD Notice you WILL get a refund for a £3.99 item but NOT a £399 one!! :-( They will kick up a fuss and a STINK about that and of course take the faulty item etc SELLERS side and NOT the disabled customers side stuck with a faulty item with NO compassion showed at ALL by Amazon , whatsoever It will take me 5 years to claw back the money I lost in what I SAVE from Prime and Music BUT it is worth it to get these greedy ruthless UNCARING people OUT of our LIFE Thanks for fleecing us , it certainly taught me a GOOD LESSON on who to trust and who to AVOID literally like the PLAGUE , so thanks for the lesson in unscrupulousness and greed and how to AVOID it by walking AWAY , for good :-) :-)
9 months ago
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