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Tumble dryer delivered on 31st March, just two days later it practically blows up, making very loud, strange sounds and emitting an electrical burning smell. Suffice to say, the product is clearly totally kaput, not to mention the obvious fire hazard. What would any customer of AO reasonably expect in the circumstances? That the situation is immediately remedied by way of a replacement, or a refund, including reimbursement for costs of disposal. Is that what I got? Absolutely not. Firstly, I was fobbed off to the manufacturer, who insisted that an engineer had to be sent out before they could do anything. I was then told that the earliest appointment would be 16th April - 13 days' time! Obviously I told them what I thought of that suggestion! So it's apparently AO's policy that any customers who are unfortunate enough to have received a seriously faulty product have to wait an unacceptable period of time for a resolution, whilst having to go without the benefit of that product. When I buy a new kitchen appliance I expect it to work and if it clearly has serious (and potentially dangerous) defects that it be replaced immediately with one that does work. A perfectly simple, reasonable expectation, but not one that AO appear willing to meet. The end result of my protracted toing and froing on the phone today is that I now have to wait 24 to 48 hours for consideration to be given to granting a refund or providing a replacement. I still have no idea when I'm going to have a tumble dryer that works safely. I expected a lot better from AO.
10 months ago
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