Beware of Asurion! This company is notorious for not honoring its warranty obligations and engaging in various fraudulent practices including warranty fraud, racketeering, and both mail and wire fraud. They're also accused of posting fake positive reviews online to mislead potential customers. I experienced their poor service firsthand with my $18,000 KitchenAid refrigerator. Despite paying for the Asurion Appliance Plus plan, getting it repaired was an ordeal.
The trouble began in July 2023 when my fridge malfunctioned. A technician was dispatched, noted that parts were needed, and promised to return with parts to fix the appliance. What ensued was seven months of false promises about ordered parts, accompanied by attempts to push buyouts/payouts ranging from $1,070 to $10,000, instead of repairs. These offers were never honored. Exasperated, I filed a small claims court case and they were served. Remarkably, three days after, Asurion finally ordered the parts. However, when the technician returned, he said Asurion ordered the wrong parts, did not perform any repairs, and damaged my hardwood floor, then disappeared.
During court proceedings, Asurion ignored a subpoena and their method for valuing appliances remained questionable, with erratic buyout offers. The judge highlighted the availability of parts and questioned why repairs weren’t made. Ultimately, the court ruled in my favor, mandating Asurion to pay a significant sum, including interest and legal fees. Despite this, Asurion has disregarded the judgment and continued to manipulate their customer portal and falsely indicating issues with my payment method which my credit card company confirmed there was nothing wrong with the payment method.
The Asurion case underscores their disregard for customer rights, terms and conditions, and legal obligations. If you’re dealing with Asurion, assert your rights and consider small claims to pursue justice. Their consistent poor service and evasion tactics show a deep disrespect for customers and the legal system.