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Philip Dowson
WARNING WARNING WARNING. sorry i cant write warning in red or i would of. ordered 8th july so what 24 days on and guess what NO PARTS. still not here garage charging me now daily for the car been on there hoist to long. contacted by autodoc gmbh who are not heard of by comapanies house check your self. autodoc gmbh and autodoc same companie autodoc berlin whatever the same. eitherway if i do get my parts and there great ill write an honest reveiw if they are not they will feel the wrath of losing buissness . as i told them i have a assive following on the social spectrum so bad service would do them no good and they still fobbed me off. in fact i tried this live chatt your parts will be sent today so i went back on and another live chatt agent said 1-2 days so 2 minutes later went on and a agent said we having trouble with the driver he is ill. i replied thats me dun then because hes distancing due to covid what makes you say that she said i replied ive waited for this driver to return to work 13 days now. nightmare i oredered from audi which audi lichsberg say they 400 yards away from autodoc and i got parts in 3 days , work that one out. to be fair i could of crawled on my hands and knees over to berlin autodoc and back and dragged my parts behind me and i would have them by now. all i would say is if you going to buy , buy through paypal or credit card and if you have no parts by 12 or 13 days contact your paypal or credit card company and they will put a question mark on the sale meaning you will get your money back if your order is wrong damaged or not write under the as describe ruling. thats what i did so i know. it takes 90 days to get your cash back if it is wrong as described by the seller but still you win and no faff on.
4 years ago
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