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I live in area 21, our Internet has been intermittently down for 6 months (yes... SIX MONTHS!). There has been an snr issue for over 6 months that virgin has failed to resolve. They have given fake estimated times of resolution which are never met, month after month we are assured that the Internet will be resolved by a given date. After that date, the Internet still drops. We receive drops outs of over 10 hours (the longest was 16 hours). The customer service is horrendous, they don't even (at minimum) call the people affected to even attempt to explain the matter. It's a whole post code that is affected yet that isn't a priority (the level of priority of P4. P1 is the highest level of priority, up to p6 I believe) We are not given even compensation for the utter inconvenience of over half a year of intermittent Internet. They just reimburse us for the time the Internet was down. If I go to a shop and buy something, or pay for a service and that service isn't acceptable, at bare minimum you are reimbursed with what you should have gotten, plus atleast store credit, ATLEAST. Virgin, with their horrendous customer service, have said they can only pay back the money for the down time. (to put that into perspective, if you pay 30 pounds a month for Internet, if your Internet is down for 24 hours, so one whole day, regardless of you having to eat I to your minutes calling them, then they put you in a queue and bounce you around for an hour, regardless of you having to use your own Internet, run out, purchase more Internet, regardless of the inconvenience that it caused if your whole family (a family of 5 in the house, all who use Internet) having to spend extra money in this fashion, regardless of deadlines you need to meet, research you need to do, personal things you want to watch online, coursework that needs to be completed, jobs that need to be applied to, YOU GET £1 BACK!! ONE POUND. For all of your troubles, you get a pound back. It's outrageous. You may question why we are still with virgin, it's because we have been promised time and time again that by a certain date the Internet will be fine and we will receive no issues after that. This has happened 4/5 times. It's disgusting, and virgin have not even reached a hand out in apology. This is not the only issue. Although it is a major issue, they are also deceivers. Treacherous liars. They called us a few months back saying we needed to change our contract we had with them, threw a bunch of big fancy words at us and said our contract is ending and we need to change our to another, more expensive contract. We're not that dumb. We said we know our contract and we had no specific time frame to keep to. We had the proof to show that, and we didn't pay into a new contract. The next bill of ours went from £40 ish pounds to £50-£60!! So we called them, explained the issue, they apologised and reduced our bill to £10 less than our original bill (to £30). It's outrageous that such an issue would occur. Moreover, their customer service are so pretentious. I work in IT, I'm a second line engineer, I know my stuff. So when I call, I will speak to the customer service as I would speak to my own colleagues (specifically and precisely, using IT terms the layman may not understand). The customer service team, almost every time I call, as I speak they cut me off, they raise their voice over mine, they don't listen to me and continue talking as if what I'm mentioning makes no difference, at times they would speak rudely once they realise I'm not budging and will say my piece. We have changed our router roughly 4 times. Virgin insisted the issue we faced (almost 7 months ago) was due to our router. After the 2nd time, we realised that this is a bigger issue than just our router. We mentioned to virgin that there is a bigger issue, to which they replied that they cannot do anything further than changing our router and checking the cables unless others in the area call up that their Internet is also down. One of the technicians came (quite fortunately) at the time of the Internet being down. He sat there confused as to why it was down. He plugged in another router "just in case" and we waited... Still no Internet. He was confused and said he's not sure what the issue is. A few months later they said there was an SNR issue (single noise reduction issue. Which is basically a faulty wire that sends data back up to the router in the back of everything and causes the problems I mentioned). So now that they know the issue, the fix is simple yet tedious. Find the wire if they hired me, ran me through things and gave me the equipment, I'd do it myself! But they can't even find the root cause of the issue, all these months later, nothing. If a person wants an Internet service provider, don't go to virgin. Their amazing speed that they have means nothing whatsoever if you can't make use of it P.s... My Internet right now is down My area reference is 21 and my account number is 666078401
6 years ago
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