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British Gas are criminals! They have made our life hell on earth by their errors! In May we suddenly had our bill increased from around £200 to nearly £4000 ! No explanation. I am a disabled, bed bound person in my 70’s with a carer. Our usage had not changed. I was in shock . Despite calls, chats online, emails it took 8 weeks of sickness and stress until the ombudsman could get involved. We were forced to have smart meters and BG admitted their estimates were over 1,000 out which was proved by their own installer who took out our old meter and realised they were overestimating it by thousands. We also took pictures. In August my bill was reduced to £329 and I paid in full! I was £150 in credit due to the compensation payment for the undue stress. I thought at last the endless sleepless nights and stress were over! Imagine my horror when in October once again I was billed an estimated passed bill now nearly £3000 Ignoring their own customer person Indra who had sorted and cleared all previous bills! They even made one days gas at £444 on a day we didn’t have it on and my son had visited from Tampa , we used nil gas! They ignore the Smart meter readings . Once again nearly seven weeks of calls, chats, emails and now CAB involved but false promises, no help or calls on dates promised. Instead sending me incorrect bills, undue stress and worry. I will contact the ombudsman again once this second spell of eight weeks is up in the hope they can help BG see their errors because they are blinkered. My doctor is very concerned as my blood pressure is now at stroke level due to them! Do they care? NO! they add on zeros, make up numbers and NEVER keep their word! I will be taking them to court once this is sorted and moving to Octopus
2 months ago
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