An option to buy from Japanese sellers
(Update as of October 8, 2020) let you choose, buy, and bid from several Japanese-based shopping and auction websites, i.e. Yahoo! JAPAN Auction, Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping, Mercari, Rakuten, and ZOZOTOWN. Its service is not as flexible as, especially, shipping service and shipping cost estimation, however, some of items on Yahoo! JAPAN Auction are difficult to find on Ebay at a friendly cost.
Please note that buyer or bidder need to pay for a minimum service fee of 500 JPY plus optional fee for package investigation service and insurance (300+200 JPY). Additionally, for most of Yahoo! JAPAN Auction, local shipping cost from seller to warehouse and oversea shipping cost, will be charged at buyer; this fee cannot be accurately predetermined thought. Some of sellers would offer to handle local shipping cost.
Package consolidation service is supposed to decrease overall shipping cost by combining 2 or more items but please keep in mind that shipping charge cannot be accurately predetermined. Thus, sometimes, shipping charge for separated shipping might be lowered than consolidated shipping since additional 500 JPY will be charged for each consolidated item.
User should be aware of buying an item with lithium ion battery, i.e., digital camera, cell phone, etc., since limited number (1-2) is allowed for small packet by airmail. To make a matter worst, removable battery might not be allowed in some cases. With one of my order, all three batteries in three digital cameras were removed before sending by an airmail.
Customer service is professional, kind, and helpful. Language barrier, especially for someone English is not the first language, might be a problem sometimes but overall rating is acceptable. Responding period is not so long and acceptable.
In summary, BUYEE is a practical way to select and buy items you are looking for from Japan without much shipping restrictions.