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Let me start quickly with: contacting BP by email or phone is almost impossible! We ordered new EV from dealership and they passed our details to BP chargemaster and said they will be in touch. BP contacted us 2 days later and asked lots of questions and said they will send me application form shortly. Quickly off topic: We could have installed unit at home, but we would have to pay for digging up the road which would costs us £ thousands and also be inconvenience to all neighbours, so we asked if we can install it at parents house. BP response was not a problem. I received email 2 days later with OLEV claim and application form to fill in with all numbers and pictures. I filled in OLEV claim and sent off all pictures in application. I received email 2 days later saying that there is problem with OLEV grant, because it's different address and unless we provide proof of address that we live there we can't claim OLEV... But we were told it's not a problem... Waiting on response. 1h after I filled in application, I received email saying, that they can see I filled in application but only uploaded 1 picture instead of 6...even though I uploaded more than 6... I replied straight away and sent ALL required pictures. 1h later I received email saying , that they can't open pictures I sent and to send them in multiple emails. I replied straight away with multiple emails with pictures. 1h later I received email saying application is almost complete just waiting on confirmation from OLEV. I replied I would like to pay £350 because looks like we can't claim OLEV. 5 minutes later I received email with link to make payment. Made payment right away and asked when I am going to receive phone call to book installation of unit. This was on Friday and response was, I will get phone call by latest Monday! This was LAST email from BP. I mentioned how often I received response because after I made payment I received no response to any further emails from BP! It's now Tuesday and I didn't get phone call by Monday so trying to call BP early. 45 minutes on hold with no answer. Trying again later, 15 minutes and someone answered...Someone will call me within couple of days, excuses because of coronavirus... Can't make 2 minutes phone call because of coronavirus...Yeah sure It's now Friday morning, of course no one called. Someone answered after 7 minutes waiting, promising and assuring me 100000% that someone will call me today! Yeah... Now Friday 9pm I sent email to BP where is my promised phone call... Saturday 12pm still no reply... Calling to get refund, waiting 15 minutes for someone to answer, apologising that they are soooo BUSY they can't reply to emails or phone calls and all excuses about coronavirus. Got my money back, didn't get charger, but if you decide you want home charger I would strongly advise against BP Chargemaster!
4 years ago
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