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When I first contacted BP Chargemaster I was asked to send details of my car which I did. In fact I sent a copy of my purchase contract which had all the details on there including the registration number. I was then contacted by them by phone and when I asked how much it was going to be I was told that I wouldn't have to pay anything for it which I was delighted with and very surprised. I then spent the next 2 months going back and forth with various pieces of information and being told each time I send one piece of information that I now needed something else. This became very frustrating and it would have saved a lot of time and stress if the different departments spoke to each other. Finally all documents were sent and a date was agreed. I was then asked how I was going to pay for it!!!!! Explained that I was told that I didn't need to pay anything but was then told it's a 2nd hand car which they would have noted from the very beginning so I had to pay. Not happy but despite complaining nothing was done about it. So train your call handlers or at least monitor those that don't know their stuff.
5 years ago
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