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If you simply want to plug your car in and have it charge then it might work for you. If you want to use ANY of the so-call smart features like schedules that match your electricity tarrif e.g. charge overnight then you will rapidly find that the software is really really bad. Take a look at the reviews.of their 'smartcharge' app on the app stored. NOTHING WORKS, and I mean NOTHING. You might wake up to find that it couldn't be bothered to charge the car, and if you eventually manage to get a schedule to work dont even think of trying to use the 'feature' to 'charge now'.... it literally ignores you. If you call support they will take you through debugging procedures which ALWAYS involves you rebooting the unit with either a short beboot or a long reboot (leave it off for >30mins) and the support staff act as if the unit will work even though it is clear from spending a moment on the internet that EVERYONE has the same trouble because the software and communication of the unit is completely unfit for purpose. Do yourself a favour and buy another brand, that way you have a chance to get one that works.
4 years ago
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