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Nancy Adams
I was re-directed to this website from another travel site. Before I knew I was purchasing tickets from this agency instead of the website I originally wanted to book with. I don't understand why some travel sites are misleading and re-direct you to third-party websites like this one. By the time I realized it it was too late. I purchased the plane ticket. I received no flight confirmation after the purchase. I waited a few minutes and still nothing. The payment went through of course. I had to find a way to get in touch with customer service to receive my flight confirmation. After several minutes on chat with an agent, first, they told me the payment didn't go through. Then they told me it did. And that they had to confirm the flight themselves. SMH It was such a hassle to use, I should've booked with the airline direct. Eventually, after the time wasted, and the hassle to contact customer service and an hour later. I got my flight information. The issue was resolved after being on chat with the agent for a while. I received the ticket I paid for.
4 months ago
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