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Sujan Bryan
I discovered Chewy when I went looking for Feliway for my dad’s cat with an unrivaled capacity for spraying. My vet was out and I needed some as quick as possible to ensure that my now deceased father’s kitty wouldn’t spray my own home. Feliway is absolutely essential for us with him (Grey) in our household. I let it run out a couple of times and within hours he sprays near it (we have one in each room). Found Feliway at Chewy for 1/3 the price. My vet charges more than $30 for the stuff and I would be broke or spray-ridden without Chewy. The auto-ship feature that is quite customizable is fabulous. I never have to worry about running out of Feliway again and never have to pay $130/month to keep it flowing again. I simply don’t have money to shred. Not only that, but they have lots of things for difficult kitties like Grey who loves to spray, and is also extremely finicky (thanks Dad!). They have all sorts of food toppers and no-grain foods. I found the only cat food Grey will touch—Tiger cans. No, really. He’s 15 and ate off of my dad’s plate. He will quite literally starve himself to death before eating something he doesn’t like. And, again, it can be auto shipped! I live in a rural town and have little access to variety and specialty items. Chewy has utterly saved me...and Grey, for that matter.
5 years ago
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