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Barbara Gayle
Be careful, Costco misleads you if you buy a bed from them in several ways — even one of their most expensive beds. They tell you on some choices they will haul away your old bed and set up new one, on other choices they make several claims on the shipping and handling that lead you to believe that they will haul your old bed away saying “contaminated” mattresses will not be hauled away. In the end they call you about setting up saying if you can answer no to be quarantined in the last two weeks or testing positive they can go ahead with the delivery and set up. Then on the day the driver says no set up, porch delivery only and only your mattress can be taken away even though you are replacing your bed with a new foam mattress that does not need box springs. When you call customer service they tell you you don’t qualify for removal or set up with their most expensive mattress because the language does not say that specifically. Then to return it you must haul it in to the store or pay shipping. So much fo 100 % satisfaction guarantee! Go Amazon instead!
4 years ago
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