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I bought a m15 R6 in October 2021 and have faced issues since the first month I bought it. A friend who had bought an x17 was facing similar issues before me as well, but thinking that his case was unfortunate, and giving Dell the benefit of the doubt, I decided to follow through with my purchase. I decided to get Premium Support just so if the issue was to arise, at least I would get solutions quicker. Wow, was I in for a surprise. I have never been more disappointed by a product or service in my life. I am a product and service designer myself and have worked in customer service, and I must say I have never seen anyone be treated this way. My mental health has struggled because of how long I have had to be on the phone with this team just so I could get my work done on time and not get fired or fail classes. Now, let me get to some details = My screen started flickering in my first few days of using the machine. I was told that a software update would fix the issue so they remote into my computer and did everything necessary. FAKE FIX number 1. Then, after multiple times of facing this issue and being on several calls with customer service, they finally sent someone to replace the screen. The guy was an outsourced professional who had seemingly never opened the same PC before. I could tell by how he was working on it. Giving him the benefit of the doubt too, I thought hopefully the issues will be resolved. Well, this time the Alien head stopped working. Back on the phone with the team and back to remoting into my PC trying to "fix" the computer by updating software. Again, no luck. Another technician was sent to my house with a screen to see if that would fix the issue. Turned out that the last guy had just forgotten to plug in the wire for the Alien head light. Seemingly the problem was solved for the light. But the flicker was back. (Maybe it never left - it happened randomly and was not re-creatable but happened often) Back on the phone with the team and back to remoting into my PC trying to "fix" the computer by updating software. Again, no luck. This time they said it was probably another issue and I would have to send the computer in, to the service centre. The timeframe that was supposed to be 3-5 days took about double the time to fix and return my laptop. Seeingly, they had to replace the motherboard. Another fix that wasn't good enough. This time none of the original software that was supposed to come with the computer was installed. Back on the phone with the team and back to remoting into my PC trying to "fix" the computer by updating software because I was not being able to update windows and was having some more issues as well. After this call, the laptop seemed to work okay for a few days before completely dying this time. I was then told on the phone to open the back panel and reconnect the battery. The tech guy tried to send me a youtube video for an OLDER model but then understood it wouldn't work. I then sent an image of what I was working with and he told me that the one I have actually is not self-serviceable. Another hour and a half wasted and I was left stranded and my work disrupted again. They said they would send a technician in 2 days, and the service events page now shows that it will be at least a few more days due to part delays. Upon telling them I needed work files off, I was told it was my problem that I did not backup my files and that there is nothing that can be done until the backlog for the part is cleared and it ships. I am left without a laptop for at least one more week, and nobody seems to give a flying. All this happened with at least 30 different calls, over 20 times remoting into my PC and so much more hassle in just 3 months of spending over $3K CAD for a laptop that doesn't work and a customer service team that does not care whatsoever. My 6-year-old Lenovo is much better built and still works. How do I even survive without a warranty on this new Dell is out of my understanding. Why they can't fix issues is out of my understanding. Why they can't give me a replacement is out of my understanding. Why I can't be given an interim computer is out of my understanding. All I know is, I feel harassed by this team and I am no longer ever buying or suggesting Dell.
3 years ago
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