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My company used Dell computers for many years. All of our computers at work are Dell brand and we never had any issues with them with the exception of one Touchscreen that only half of the touchscreen was working out of the box. Dell wanted to send it for repair but I told them we just got it and it's easier to return it at the retail store. Anyway in January got new work laptop (directly from Dell. Big Mistake) and after few days it started giving problems. Was very slow even though there was nothing installed on it. Sometimes it didn't want to turn off or on. Contacted Dell and the representative wasn't very helpful. Gave me some link that I can test the memory. On the 43rd day of buying the laptop it stopped accessing webpages. I open a web browser and it kicks me out with message "No Memory". Called Dell and was told it passed 30 days "return policy" and I need to go through tech support even though I told them on the day 15th that computer has problems. It appears that this laptop is complete garbage and so is their customer service. We are done with Dell. This company is going down the drain. DO NOT BUY DELL PRODUCTS!
9 months ago
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