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These guys are leeches, they sell you a product and they have a service tag that expires, if it expires you are out there on your own finding your way to their problematic products. I had a M15 R7, and it was so faulty made that I had to go to stores change my thermal paste because it was overheating, and I did my own reseach because my serviec tag was expired, I also had to replace the hard drive because they had it badly implemented, they had 2 hard drives and the 2nd one in the MB slot was causing problem and I had to get one bigger one in first slot only, and all that where findings of my own instinct because their service could not help me, it was expired! Forwarding to future after some months, they do some updates to their bios because they did a faulty laptop, and driver updates that cause problems that you have to find out on your own, luckily I am somewaht experienced for computers and I can find my way. But this experience is the worst ever! I think the 1 star review is quite fair to be honest, who sells a faulty product and then disapears? Its not fair, justice should be assigned to these things. I would be very skeptikal when purchasing something from these guys. Never had such a bad experience before with a company.
7 months ago
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