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If you want some feedback about the incompetence of Domestic & General, get yourself a cup of tea and have a read of the following catalogue of incompetence. On 11/10/18 I emailed Domestic & General, after spending several hours on the phone to their Customer Service Department:- “…it was due to the situation becoming so frustrating that I needed to escalate it the relevant department to try to, once & for, resolve this situation that has been going on for over 3 years! Please refer to the attached spreadsheet which details the numerous issues I have been trying to resolve with a number of policies over the last 3 years, but I'm now more or less back where I started (as of this year’s renewal dates) and I'm very frustrated with the entire process. What makes it even more difficult to track is the fact that the plan numbers are not shown on the Direct Debit statements. The attached spreadsheet highlights the following issue:- • Incorrect appliances allocated to correct / incorrect addresses • Incorrect addresses allocated to correct / incorrect appliances (not necessarily the same issue). • Multiple charges for the same appliance(s), some allocated to incorrect addresses. • Description of appliances that aren't even manufactured by certain manufacturers. • Certain appliances covered under Mutiplan policies, then invoiced again as separate plan numbers • Direct debit payments made by ……….that do not include the plan reference number so unable to trace which plan & property relates to which payment. • Payments made by Direct Debit from our ……….account that makes reference to plan numbers that we do not recognise, nor do we know which property they relate to.. • Substantial increase in a number of items under cover - up to 300% increase without any claims being made or notification given. • Certain plans were rectified after much time spent with Customer Services, but these have now reverted back to the issues listed above as of this years renewal dates. • No policy documents received for any renewals made this year. All in all a complete catalogue of inefficiency by Domestic & General, whether it be systems issues or the way the complaints have been handled (or more accurately not handled by customer support staff - I have names & dates, if required, as I'm not sure you'll be able to pick this information up from your system). You are no doubt more than well aware of the substantial amount of website / blog complaints that D&G consistently receive. I makes me wonder if we're doing the right thing in investing heavily in D&G warranties. So, not a happy situation and I request that you do everything possible to rectify the current situation, together with backdating all over payments / dramatic premium increases & needless to say I will also be seeking relevant compensation for the inordinate time spent trying to rectify these issues. On the 17/10/18 I received the following email response from Domestic & General. “…. A colleague and I spent a total of 3 hours yesterday, 16 October 2018, putting all the plans to one address, reallocating them to the correct sites and attaching the correspondence address. I had thought that we had rectified the issue as we went in and out of plans and addresses with nothing changing. However, today the plans have not only merged back to your home address but have also merged names. I have raised this with the IT and Data teams who have advised what we had done should have worked, but it hasn't. I am sorry but I do not think that we can in all honesty amend the plans and keep them at their own locations on a permanent basis. Please advise me on what course of action you would like to me to now follow in light of this. Also there had only been one duplicated plan. The Neff dishwasher had been re-branded incorrectly on the bundle plan, however the washing machine had been duplicated. I have cancelled the second plan and a refund of £109.35 will go back to your bank account in the next 3 - 5 working days. If you wish to discuss your complaint further please call us on our free phone number 0800 561 4476 where one of our trained complaint handlers will be happy to help. Alternatively, please respond directly to this email where it will be forwarded to me. When emailing, please include your complaint reference or plan number to ensure your email is allocated as efficiently as possible”. I responded:- “…….I'm not satisfied with the fact that D&G are unable to resolve the issues & the fact that you state only one item is duplicated - this is simply not the case - as shown in the spreadsheet breakdown that I previously supplied. I must ask that Domestic & General revists this issue, not simply ask that I terminate the policies, or advising what you should do! After all I've spent several thousands of pounds on insurance cover with D&G over the recent years and have only had one small minor claim. To highlight this, over the last month, for example, we've paid £155.28 in premiums, with no claims outstanding. Could you please provide me a breakdown of the total cumulative amount of premiums paid by me to Domestic & General over the recent years, since taking out the numerous policies. Your response does not cover my query regarding the substantial increase in premiums on a number of the appliances on cover, nor does it explain why these would not be covered under an inclusive 'bundle' per household, rather than individual units. You also mention in your email of the 17th October that you will arrange a credit £109.35 to my account. How was this amount arrived at and why has it yet to be credited over a month after it was promised? One further query - given the inability of Domestic & General to unravel which appliances are located in which properties, what would happen if there had been a breakdown with one of the appliances that has been incorrectly described and/or designated to an incorrect property? If you still wish me to cancel the policies I must request a full refund of all the premiums paid to date (details as per requested above) as I do not believe you would have covered the losses, so therefore, the policies would have been invalid…...” No response received for over 3 months despite sending 7 emails requesting a response to my issues & queries. The last email sent on 04/01/19 “….Could someone at Domestic & General, please do me the courtesy of responding to my previous emails, in response to ………..'s email to me on the 17th October To date none of the actions suggested have been actioned & I'm still being monthly debited for policies that appear are non valid. Could someone at your incompetent organisation please respond & action this long on-going issue”. Response from Domestic & General on 19/01/19 “ …Thank you for your most recent communication and please accept our apologies for the delay in a response. (somewhat of an understatement!!!!). After finding your email chain, I checked with management as to why ………. has not yet responded, it was confirmed she has been out of the office due to illness, however, should be returning to us on 21 January 2019. I have asked this be sent to her as a matter of urgency in order for your issues to be resolved. Email from Domestic & General on 25/01/19 “…….I had sent the list of plans with the correct addresses to the relevant teams to have them relocated accordingly. Had you needed a repair on any of the items whilst this was being rectified we would have changed that one plan and provided the repairer details. I had indeed advised you at that point that I could not guarantee that the plans would not merge together again. I would not have liked to have given you a guarantee that I cannot uphold as we are still working on this issue…..” My response on 07/02/19 “…..Good to know that your IT team are still working on a resolution to the issues of my case, while I still continue to pay £150+ a month premiums on policies that I'm sure will not be honoured if any failures were to occur - my attitude to this is not surprising given D&G's track record responding to the issues to date. Despite the efforts made by you and the IT team you have yet to address the following issues detailed in my emails to you of the 11th October & 22nd November 2018. The attached spreadsheet, once again, highlights the ongoing issues. I'm still awaiting for you to provide the requested breakdown of the total cumulative amount of premiums paid by me to Domestic & General over the recent years, since taking out the numerous policies - which will run to several thousand pounds, to highlight this, over the last month, for example, we've paid £155.28 in premiums, with no claims outstanding. I formally request that Domestic & General revisit this issue, not simply ask that I terminate the policies, or asking what you should do! After all I've spent several thousands of pounds on insurance cover with D&G over the recent years and have only had one small minor claim. If you still wish me to cancel the policies I must request a full refund of all the premiums paid to date (details as per requested above) as I do not believe you would have covered the losses, so therefore, the policies would have been invalid. I must ask that this is escalated to a senior management level & that this case is dealt with to my entire satisfaction. I would also like your proposal as to suitable compensation...." I must ask that this is escalated to a senior management level & that this case is dealt with to my entire satisfaction. I would also like your proposal as to suitable compensation for the inordinate amount of time I have spent trying to resolve the multitude of issues with the various Domestic & General policies.” No response received to date – WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? Domestic & General are incompetent and I wonder if they are going bust.
6 years ago
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