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My mother (86 type 1 diabetic) has been with D&G for many years and generally happy. However, her heating failed last Sunday. My sister tried to call D&G and was cut off at 12.00 midday and referred to go on line. My mother called last Monday morning and was told Thursday was the earliest they could manage. Someone arrived, told her she needed a pump and valve which would be done the next day. No call or plumber on Friday. My mother called (this is a marathon task being pushed from pillar to post with marketing drivel and dire music plus the “we’re very busy” message). I tried and had a similar dire experience. She was to.d that she ‘d get a call. On her last effort to get a resolution she was told the heating system needed flushing. 6 days to be told that. A lie. I got a local company to investigate. They were there in 15 minutes and heating and hot water on while they went to get a valve. By early afternoon the valve was fitted and all is well. Pump fine, flushing not needed. Tomorrow I’ll be sending D&G the bill, seeking compensation and cancelling the cover. For all the reasons many have written this is a company that has lost it’s way.
4 years ago
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