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I took up a contract with an iphone with EE. within 2 months i traveled to NewYork and the ohne wouldn't work on the roaming bundle, hours of wasted times in cafes/hotels using wifi contacting EE to fix the issue. Many reassurances that the phone and roaming settings and bundles were correct, the phone wouldnt not work. EE couldnt sort it but when back in the UK they promised it would work next time. The same happened in Greece, Germany, France and Morocco (different bundle needed in Morocco). You need your phone working to get you to meetings/hotels/work etc. Its not good enough for a large company to let this happen and not help. On all of these trips, friends and colleagues that I have been with all had perfectly working phones, and often iphones on EE. so the countries phone signals were fine and it was clearly EE's settings and iphone that were to blame each time. I have spent days calling/emailing/whatsapping EE and they just cant/wont help. I finally asked them to just release me from my 36 month contract as its failing. I said i would pay for the iphone and could they stop the monthly charges. the answer 'NO'. So i am stuck with a phone/contract that wont work abroad for the next 22months and I have 6 abroad business trips organised this year already. Dont use EE if you need a working phone abroad. EE will reply to this stating they cant confirm or guarantee if a foreign countries signal will work.......however all of my friends/colleagues/family have had no issue on their vodaphone/iphones or three or gifgaf etc. So it is EEs fault and they wont help.
10 months ago
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