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Awful network. Joined EE after moving back home to UK after few years working abroad. Told EE was now best network for signal etc (always been on O2 before). Joined in Jan. Over-charged every single month. Don't have any signal approx 75% of time.... can only use phone when using on WiFi. Various communication with EE. They deny signal issues saying they've checked area & has good coverage. Argue that the bills are due to increased CPI which is in conttact. Basically the CPI increased my contract by 50% plus they add additional random charges (despite having a £5 cap on it). EE reckon this is acceptable as part of CPI. Never before have any other company increased line rental by nearly 50% within 2 months of plan. I choose a contract I could afford & they've made it unaffordable. Obviously locked in for 2yrs. Other family members on EE have had similar issues. We are counting down until we can leave this awful network and will never use again. Zero customer service-they don't care. My husband moved to UK from australia few months after me - we ensured he didn't join EE (which was original plan) - got very good plan with smarty for 1/4 cost of my bills (since always higher than I agreed) and has coverage in most places we go!! Avoid EE at all costs. I know I will in future Edit - they send nice reply but when actually contact them its completely different matter. They do not help at all!! Take your money for a phone you can't use without WiFi. Numerous attempts & hours over 16 months wasted contacting them bit quite frankly this company doesn't give a s***. As long as there get their high monthly costs they have zero interest in providing a service... everywhere I go I have to tell people not to phone me as won't get signal to answer. I'm sure they answer here with very generic helpful sounding response but when contact they do not help or care just tell you fron their computer that everywhere I go has great signal according to them
8 months ago
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