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Colin Macklam
rented s Merc sprinter Luton back and tail lift . It was with a 1/4 tank diesel to which I added 40 litres a total of 58 litres. I drove to Shiney Row in Durham and picked up a fireplace and set off back. At a place just south of Wetherby on the motorway I ran out of diesel. It was 225 miles , the van had been showing the fuel warning light but I disregarded it as it was showing all the time even when I filled it up with the 40 litres. Other fault lights kept appearing all the journey such as rear light, radar sensors dirty as well the faulty fuel lights. The as came to the rescue and took us on a low loader to ferrybridge where I put in another 32 litres of fuel. We arrived back at Nottingham with a 1/4 tank showing. An economy rate of 4.19 miles per litre. Total miles 310 less 8 on low loader divided by 72. On returning the van to enterprise van hire I complained that this was unacceptable and could they investigate. They didn't believe me or my passenger as the warning lights did not display when stationary. They admitted they knew very little of the vans history or service record as it was from another branch. They said over £100 of diesel for a 302 miles journey was acceptable. The warning lights were a figment of my imagination. They did not even start the van or test drive it to check my story about the warning lights. In short they dismissed me as a liar and a blaggard. I strenuously argued my case at which point I was asked to leave the car park at enterprise van hire at Unit 2 Daleside Road Nottingham. I asked to speak to the area manager and raise a complaint. I was denied this, I asked for the AA report on the incident, they said I had been asked for my email address by the as man, I hadn't and a report wasn't sent to it They said the report wasn't sent to them even though the call out was by them on their contract. I have no contact from the manager at Daleside Road, JAKE or the area manager. A complaint has not been raised even though they would not look into the matter. They also said that false economy mileage figures by Mercedes-Benz account for the difference between their advertised economy figures and that acheived by their vans and cars. I acknowledge there is this to take account of BUT they don't double the mileage per litre rate. In short their customer service is below that expected of a national company or is it just JAKE at Daleside Road Nottingham who is letting the company down.
4 years ago
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