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I was looking for a cheaper Home Insurance quote as my price had gone up yet again after years of having no claims. Thought LV would be a good starting place as they use to be a good insurer. So went online to get a quote, went through all the questions etc and finally got the quote and saved it, so a copy would be sent to my email address as stated and I could go back onine to check all the details of what I would be insured for and also make any changes if required. When I hit saved it then sent me to the next screen which said enter your Home reference number, email etc to view your details. As I didn't have a reference number, which I found out afterwards as you have to have current insurance with them, I just saved again as couldn't get out of the screen but it just put me back to the first screen so tried again and same thing accured so you are just going round in circles! I checked my email several times nothing arrived from LV so subsequently tried to call them, try finding a contact number on their site its a nightmare as they want you do do everything online &/or use there chat line which was absolutely useless! Eventually found a number but the person I spoke to told me she couldn't help as the main team or whatever work 9-5pm and it was 5.30pm and gave me the correct number to call the next day. That number was no longer in use so had to ring up the same number, this time the lady said she we would put me through on the internal line, she did, but to the life department which are completely a seperate unit from the rest of LV. The person was helpful but unfortunately the number he gave me was no longer in service when I rang it! So I went back the following day to my original number I had used, explained all the problems I had previously had just trying to speak to someone and she said she would keep on the line to make sure I got through to the right dept, which I finally did. On speaking to them the first thing she did was to advise me I could check the details and make any changes online before agreeing to the quote! So had to go through everything again with her and that I hadn't received an email etc. She then was quite helpful, she found my online quote and I changed a couple of things with her, but wanted to see the quote for myself before commiting to purchase. I also requested a monthly cost which she gave me, but they don't show you that as an alternative online, as obviously LV want you to pay in full from the start!!! She advised she would send the quote through and I would also hopefully, once received, be able to make any other changes online. The quote came through this time, though the monthly cost was missing and just the annual cost shown, but once again I could not check my quote online and if needed make any further changes! So just gave up on LV, as I spent hours wasting my time, just trying to obtain the best options for my household insurance. Since this I have checked on LV's record of paying out on claims on Household Insurance and they are quite a way down from other insurers on claims payments, which also shows on this site which I just found! So I am now quite glad that I didn't follow up and take the price offered and should have looked at their claims record of paying out to customers beforehand, which would have saved me a lot of time and trouble, before trying to get a quote! Also on further checking Allinaz now own LV and if you go direct to Allianz for a quote it is actually handled by a different section of LV and it is cheaper! The downside is you can only do the quote online, not speak to anyone! Well IMO whats the difference really? As it's quite obvious going to LV direct they really want you do your quote online as they make it as hard as possible to find any details of speaking to anyone about a quote!!! So my advise is, look elsewhere for Home Insurance and also before getting a quote from any insurer check, their record on paying out claims first, as most reviews just seem to show how helpful the staff are and if the price is good, rather than if you have a genuine claim, will the Insurer payout or try to delay &/or dispute the claim!
3 months ago
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