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Hobby Lobby has a wide selection of mostly cheap decor items imported from China, and some craft and sewing supplies. Their prices are reflective of their mass produced imported product lines. Two things really bother me. First, while Hobby Lobby overtly pushes religion, with kitchy little signs, Christian music and books, etc, they treat their employees with a shocking lack of basic human kindness. Case in point, I regularly see employees standing on very tall ladders, stocking heavy items on high shelves, with no safety rails at the top of the ladder, compared to the safety ladders you see at other big box stores. There is absolutely NO regard for the safety of their employees. Is this really WWJD? Secondly, Hobby Lobby was involved in a law suit in which they refused to provide health insurance coverage for contraception for their overwhelmingly female staff. To further illustrate the sexist point, I see no women in management positions. The men who comprise their management adopt a stance of grim overlord vigilance, while the female employees scurry around looking like oppressed underlings. It is shocking to observe this kind of antiquated sexism displayed in the year 2023. Promoting a wholesome image appears to be their aim, but religious hypocrisy and sexism are in reality the guiding principles at Hobby Lobby.
1 year ago
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