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Shocked At Such Bad Customer Orientation
Customer service orientation of store manager was simply ludicrous. We were trying to get our paid for Click & Collect paint order sorted - issue with product not being fully available despite have received sms & email confirmation - and manager insisting we took a dented/pre-opened tin we were not happy with to help fill the order. Long story short, and nearly 45+,minutes of waiting around, we are told we either accept the dented tin or he cancels order and refunds us. Wow... really? He then tells us that he has had a long day, he's tired and wants to go home, so agrees we can take smaller tins of paint to complete the overall order. Really good store leadership qualities on full display for staff and customers to witness! It gets even crazier. Homebase sends out an sms invite for customer experience feedback. Of course they need to hear about this because it is just so not a customer oriented experience delivery they have to sort this out; I work extensively in this field and know that this sort of experience will absolutely cost them customers and market share. SMG provides their feedback platform which is really out-dated, and not customer friendly to use, but I persist and get my feedback to Homebase with the option checked for someone to call me so I can explain the episode clearly. I believed Homebase should genuinely be interested. Within 30 minutes I get a phone call from Matt from Homebase! But it turns out the guy calling me is actually the manager we had the issue with at the store --- he's completing the resolution of his own performance issue. Wow!!!! Anyway, he proceeds to tell me he disagrees with what I say he said -- in fact he simply denies it outright but says he's sorry I felt it wasn't a good experience. Then tells me I raised the issue so he is following procedure and calling back, he has said sorry, and reiterates he disagrees with my assessment, and hopes the rest of my weekend is good. End of call. And that is how Homebase delivers customer service and deals with customer feedback. What a joke. Seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if they are non-existent within the next 3 years. Of course I really don't care as I will never be going Homebase Aylesford or any other Homebase stores again.
1 year ago
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