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Store in Leamington has definitely gone downhill. Seems to be one ginormous jumble sale, boxes everywhere, displays with cheap stuff blocking the aisle, making it a very difficult experience if you have a pushchair. Went in last week and was hugely disappointed by the Christmas display. Rather than it being displayed beautifully in a Winter Wonderland type experience, there were stacks of cardboard boxes with christmas trees and piles of cheap baubles in plastic bags. Stack 'em high, sell 'em cheap came to mind. Nothing now in terms of nice home accessories etc. Plants can be very hit and miss also, some nice if they are fairly fresh, others dry and dying. And to top it off I came looking for something, which i didn't know the name of at the time, (silica gel sachets), so I was trying to explain to the staff member by saying they are normally in shoeboxes to keep moisture out. She then suggested we'd go round the store trying to find items that might have them in and then "nick them".... she wouldn't even back off when I was politely trying to explain I just wanted to buy them. It was so awkward and embarrassing.... Now I only go if I really need something desperately, but absolutely not for the experience and getting some inspiration for our home. Such a shame!
7 years ago
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