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The worst company to book a holiday .. I try to book a holiday last week with them and I get a email saying that the booking can’t be completed and next day I call them and say the price go up with £100 and I cancelled and last night I book again a holiday with them and having the same problem and I call them saying that the price go up with £40 but to don’t worry because I will not need to pay extra and when I get the confirmation they charge me the extra £40 and when I call them back say that happens because they send me a email before making the discount and I will get a new email , but was the same price and transfer me to someone else and he said that is the right price and when I said I want to cancel he put me on hold and said that he fix it now and don’t need to pay extra and was telling me the same price with £40 extra ...when I checked now the price for the same holiday is the same like yesterday, nothing go up ... And if you call customer service you need to wait a long time..Thank you for considering your customer a joke Loveholidays !
5 years ago
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