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B ankruptcy delay tactics....... Like every other honest bad review on this site I am still having trouble getting my refund from this failing company. I have been advised so many times that someone would be in touch within 3 days that I have stopped counting. My mystery email which was due to arrive 30 days after requesting a refund obviously did not arrive. Can anyone at LH tell me why I need this email containing a number to contact the refunds team to tell them what I told them in the first place I WANT A FULL CASH REFUND...its not difficult. I understand from others who have got the magic number that nobody actually answers it so whats the point. I keep getting told I can have my flight refund, which they have requested from airline, when they receive it and will then have to wait up to another 28 days. I keep telling them I have actually received it direct from the airline ...they don't seem to understand this ...they are wasting their time I have to wait til they get my money back from hotel chain........who actually have not been paid for my booking yet!! I have to wait in a refund queue by departure date but they have no idea what date they are up to in the chain. We are all aware that this company do not have the funds available to give everyone their money back but they continue to use delaying tactics pending some sort of financial miracle No doubt, as before ,I will receive a copy and paste response from someone paid to mitigate all these abysmal reviews when their time could be better spent pressing a few refund buttons. If the company ceases to trade due to customer dissatisfaction then they will not get their wages either.!!
4 years ago
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