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A Non-traveller
If you book a holiday with these people, which they subsequently cancel, you can expect: 1. Abysmal customer service. 2. A failure to honour contractual terms and consumer law. 3. Attempts to fob you off with vouchers or some other such worthless offer, or by directing you to contact parties who are not responsible for refunding you. 4. Non-existent communications, despite promises of personalised communications. 5. Customer support phone lines to be closed and post to be returned unopened. 6. To spend anywhere between 2-3 hours in a live chat system that routinely fails behind 450 other annoyed customers. 7. To have to chase EVERYTHING yourself, even though they have ALL of your contact details. 8. Any refunds to be processed in dribs and drabs, painfully slowly, after the holiday season is virtually over. 9. No apology for any of the above. Do yourself a favour—give these people a wide berth.
4 years ago
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