I hadn't finished entering the information on the website's "Enter your Info Here" section yet, & my phone rang, someone identifying theirself as "Jen at Modernize, we'd love to arrange an estimate...", but there was NO CALLBACK NUMBER LEFT! I answered the first time, & apparentlyu, after my repeating "hello? HELLO?", w/the "person" calling obviously being a recording, & then, a minute later, the same caller cqlled again, but left NO number for me to call BACK! HOW the hell am I supposed to "call them back" if they don't tell me WHAT THE PHONE NUMBER TO CALL THEM IS?!? I'd like very much to call & arrange a contractor to come out & give me an estimate, but if they never give me a call-back number, HOW am I supposed to call ANYONE?!? (I tried calling a local HVAC contractor a few years ago, & while they took my info & SAID they'd call me back, I've never heard back from them, nor have I seen their number listed anywhere other than the business card I obtained from the Contractor while he was doing an installation at the local auto/truck/farm equipment repair shop? ATTENTION PEOPLE: When you call, LEAVE YOUR FULL PHONE NUMBER, NAME, & TIMES/DAYS TO CALL YOU BACK! You're losing a large fortune in business when people WANT to have you provide your services, but can't LOCATE you, or find any way to CONTACT you, or you SAY you'll contact THEM, but tyhen you DISAPPEAR!
PLEASE, when someone actually DOES want an estimate from you, RESPOND to them!
(What on earth happened to "Common Sense"?!?)
Thank You, & PLEASE, when you get voicemail or an answering machine, TALK TO IT, & if no one picks it up to speak with you right away, LEAVE YOUR CONTACT INFO on the recording! Mine is: (308) 824-3365. Be aware that I am Physically Disabled, so it may take me a minute to get to the phone, or from 1 to 4 days to call you back, but I really DO want to get back to someone who can give me an honest estimate on HVAC work in the house I'm in, which was probably built around 1890 or so.