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Just about EVERYTHING to do with customer service and billing.I finally got ( after two months of silence from 02 " COMPLAINTS RESOLUTION " team...a COMPETENT ADVISER.I also got a major shock.It was much WORSE than I feared.I asked when I could expect my bill to fall from the current £80 plus,and how I could end the contract NOW.I was told that I'd have to pay off the replacement tablet I had purchased ,on,I had thought ,a normal 24 month contract.I would now have to pay £670 to LEAVE.I asked what the original price of the tablet was.The answer? £ 480. So...I had been paying monthly for twenty months for this tablet( probably around £10/12 a month....unsure,since no explanation of the cost was ever provided on my bills) and had already paid ,say,at least £200 for a £480 tablet...yet I STILL OWED 02,ACCORDING TO THEIR ARITHMETIC, an absolutely OUTRAGEOUSLY EXTORTIONATE ADDITIONAL £670. HOW THE HELL IS ANY COMPANY PERMITTED TO EXTORT IN THIS WAY WITHOUT ANY GOVERNMENTAL CONTROL OVER WHAT IS ,REALLY...THEFT.?I am contacting Robert Halfon,MP... whose PRIVATE MEMBER'S BILL has been neglected for many months,as those Parliamentary Bills often are...despite the fact that Private Members' Bill's are invariably about issues that are extremely important to CONSTITUENTS(ie..the actual VOTERS AND CITIZENS of our country.Mr.Halfon quite simply wants companies that behave like 02..telecom companies...to be severely punished for misleading,exploiting,lying to ,overcharging and treating their customers with contempt.I suggest that ALL who have suffered such treatment at the incompetent,avaricious hands of 02..write to Mr.Halfon and assist him to have his Bill debated URGENTLY...NOW.
8 months ago
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