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OVO operate a deliberate policy of what is best described as theft towards its customers. Their business model is to intentionally overcharge customers with hyperinflated energy forecasts (that are neither accurate or fit for purpose, other than to falsely attain money). The idea being that Ovo can rake in as much extra interest to their own bank account while also falsely inflating their value on the stock market. This open system of robbery Ovo operate upon gets worse, as this pack of thieves will insist that you pay via direct debit only. In doing so, OVO will raise your direct debit premiums with no agreement (and take extra money directly from your bank account without any permission and even against your written request not to do so under any circumstances). To give good first hand example, my small modest home goes into over £1800 of extra credit every year. Each and every year is the same long-winded problem getting the money they have stolen refunded. And every year OVO will raise that direct debit yet again still further to overcharge me even more the following year. Now I am just one customer of millions. So do the maths? This energy company are quite literally making £billions with a policy of fraud and theft to innocent customers. The business model is also reflected in Customer Services of Ovo, who are trained to be evasive (as to hold on to stolen money from customers for as long as possible). So then you find yourself being cheated and ignored as a customer experience. It has previously taken me many months and countless hours in correspondence trying to have money returned to me that was unfairly taken. This disgusting conduct is obviously intended to exhaust customers, again to sit on stolen money for as long as possible. You won't find social media posts or adverts up for very long from Ovo, because they soon become overpopulated with very honest, real and highly negative feedback from customers with firsthand experience like myself. 👀 😡 👎
6 months ago
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