To how to correspond,My name is Anna Delgado,
I like to make an official complaint. this complaint is for 6 different parcel delivery. all of them I to send it in different days.
1-I had used the services of Parcel Compare to deliver my parcels. I had sent in the last January 7 parcels.
2- In parcel comparison I selected 2 companies to send my parcels. TDT & DPD.
3- I didn't have been advised of the quantity that I could be charged in Aduanas Tax. This point was relevant, because I If I had known, I would never have sent all those parcels. (I make responsible for my decision to use the service because I decided to send the parcels by DPD for a cheap price. If I were properly advised of the final price never I have sent all these parcels.)
3-The Parcels send from TDT (it cost 154.32�)came late but they came. I needed to pay 38,70 Euros more as an aduanas tax.
4-The rest 6 parcels I send with DPD.
5-I had sen the parcels on the following different days:
A-parcel reference number: 15503146949721 pickup date: 20/1/21 Schedule date:27/1/21 (total parcels 3, mesuraments:46,46,55.Kilos 90)
Parcel compare cost: 54,08�
Aduanas cost:109,26 Euros
total in Euros:177.03Euros
total in Pounds:148.22�
B-parcel reference number:15503232490093 pickup date: 25/1/21 Schedule date:01/02/21 (total parcels 8, mesuraments:46,46,55.Kilos 240)
Parcel compare cost:138.06�
Aduanas cost:?
total in Euros:160.24Euros
total in Pounds:138.06�
C-parcel reference number:15503232489442 pickup date: 25/1/21 Schedule date:01/02/21 (total parcels 1,mesuraments:46,46,55.Kilos 30)
Parcel compare cost:21.68�
Aduanas cost:327.81 Euros (I think this in the tax payments for two parcels, the 15503232489442 & 15503232490093, not one confirms but the evidence tell's me)
total in Euros:352.97�
total in Pounds:304.11�
D: parcel reference number: 15503290281896 pickup date: 27/1/21 Schedule date:02/02/21 (total parcels 3, mesuraments:46,46,55.Kilos 90)
Parcel compare cost:54.08�
Aduanas cost:109,26 Euros
total in Euros:177.03Euros
total in Pounds:148.22�
E: parcel reference number:15503290722136 pickup date: 01/02/21
Shedule date:04/02/21 (total parcels 1, mesuraments:46,46,55.Kilos 30)
Parcel compare cost:19,19�
Aduanas cost:39,30Euros
total in Euros:61.57Euros
total in Paunds: 53.05�
F: parcel reference number:15503290775847 pickup date: 01/02/21 Schedule date:04/02/21 (total parcels 1, mesuraments:46,46,55.Kilos 30)
Parcel compare cost:19,19�
Aduanas cost:39,30Euros
total in Euros:61.57Euros
total in Pounds:53.05�
Total Pay in Euros:960.41 Euros
Total Pay in Paunds:844.71�
(I attached the Invoices from parcel compare and a copy of the labels of each parcel)
2- when the parcels were on Aduanas no one has advice that the parcels were there. Thanks, I contacted SEUR many times when at last I was informed, that my parcels were there and the amount of tax to pay.
I had to pay the taxes of the parcels on two separate days. The first payment was the 4/2/21 and the second day of taxes was 8/2/21.
3-I had informed that the parcels will have a delay of 10 days after the Tax payment to get delivered.
4- I had been contacting SEUR Multiple times to Know what is the situation of my parcels.
5-At the same time I contact Parcel Compare, They answer always with the same answer template. But no information where my parcels are.
6-DPD informed me that the recipient didn't accept the parcels and they will return my parcels.
7-Parcel compare send confirming DPD information and that I will be an extra charge if my parcels are returned. (I don't understand because I will specify how many times I contact the company to inform them where are my parcel. I had accepted the delivery therefore I had had pay the Aduanas tax.)
Contac time with parcel compare:
I had requested information where I had received a template answer or no information:
I had received information from parcel compare today 24 I had received another email telling me that I had not accepted the delivery of the parcels. that brings the case at (I don't understand because I will specify how many times I contact the company to inform them where are my parcel. I had accepted the delivery therefore I had had pay the Aduanas tax.
Contact with SEUR By Phone:
1/2/21 to 24/2/21 Single Day.
SEUR Emai:
1/2/21 to 8/2/21
DPD Website Chat.
Yesterday And a few different phone calls.
The last information of DPD is that another company that is call delivery plus is the one that must do an investigation. Because is the company that I had the service from.
I don't know which is company is that. Because as I explained before I had started this parcel compare.
The content of the parcels.
All of the boxes are similar content. Books, clothes, shoes, personal items like photos, kitchen items, and others. I can't know exactly what of what I have in the boxes because I didn't write but in all the boxes there little of everything.
Personal comments:
I have anxiety and depression that is why I came to Spain with my mother.
You can't imagine how frustrated is this situation. I had no more money because I had pay this tax that I didn't been advised.
I had to buy cloth because are in the boxes. The problem here is the bad customer service that I receive, from all the companies. Yesterday I had Use The word F++k in one of the emails, as a frustration, impotence and In this time Parcel compare answer me quick "don't use this language because you will lose your case.". I Apologies. But I'm feeling so bad with missing of empathy of the parcel compare. I fill Scam. I"m crying when I write this email, I can't find hope in my life and this. That 3 companies now 4 play with the people like this.
1-I want my parcels.
2-I want a refund of all the money.
3-I want to arise an Investigation for fraud to parcel compare, DpD, and Seur.