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This is going to be redundant...at 55 with a partial hysterectomy at age 33. The past 4 years have been horrible! Every single menopause symptom listed in the books. I had them ALL! Bloody noses, acne, weight gain, mood swings, hair, skin, nails, HOT FLASHES and yep, ALL the issues downstairs. Dr. route left me worse than when I went in. Tried other "natural creams/balms" a ton of supplements. I did find one that actually worked for the hot flashes and moodiness Menopause 731. The ONLY product that has worked for my dryness, painful sex, itchy, razorblade stabbing, stinging pain while urinating is SILKY PEACH CREAM. It started working for me in less than 24 hours! The stabbing pain, the itch, the excruciating pain from the toilet paper and just a touch from my husband is no longer sending me into oblivion! AMAZING!! Worked so well for me that I am only using it 3x a week. I was skeptical for sure! I am sold, I will never stop using this. Thank you so much for the relief and normalcy to something no one should ever have to deal with. If you are on here reading these reviews and are in the pain that I was, I promise...It really works.
2 years ago
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