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The greatest custom-PC-build website I have ever used. USE THEM! I'm a computers and electronics hobbyist in my 20s so I'm really happy with the PCs that I've built for myself. Yet this time it wasn't me that needed a new PC but my partner. I could've done it myself but that takes time and also the chance to potentially damage components (I'm a bit paranoid of that) so I decided to, if not use a site to purchase a PC, see if these sites could check if the parts were compatible... Best choice I've ever made in terms of PC builds: First of all, the website? Just designed well. Sometimes some websites are too flashy or take forever to load based on their server, but this one was a layout that I just loved. Next, in building the PC, there was a great range of options that honestly came to prices similar to the components cost if you were to browse for those parts then add them all together; point is, not ridiculously expensive. They're also the only site that had a PC tower case option that could house an optical drive! Finally, when confirming the build, a final notification would show to tell you what parts can't fit! I ordered 3 fans but the case could only reasonably house 2! This is an important point because sometimes sites like this will go "oh well that size of the fan fits so why not charge for 3? I mean, if 1 can fit then many can fit!". To have that detail be in the final checks is a great bit of polish and care that gave me some trust in this previously-unused site. But it doesn't stop there! The order went through (we paid for the priority order since I'm still a believer that having something tracked and sped through probably means it's a higher prioirty in the delivery company's database so less likely to be lost or forgotten) and not a day later I got a phonecall from them. They rang to mention the bracket I had ordered for the graphics card would be a bit too big, and was likely unnecessary. Awesome! They told me about a development with the build and needed my input, and did so extremely fast. Who cares anyway it was only £10 for that part. But oh no, not ONLY did they IMMEDIATELY let me know about it, but they refunded me for that part! I know COUNTLESS businesses that wouldn't refund for a small part like that, something along the lines of "the order was for all of these parts and the company decided what would work and what wouldn't". Kind of an "accepted risk" sort of deal. And yet this company paid me back for a part I wasn't gonna use! Amazing! The rest of the process was incredible, order was tracked, packaged up so neat in styrophome and bubble wrap (I think there was bubble wrap) and the build worked amazingly! EVERY step of this process was better than I could have ever hoped for. The best word I can use is "polish", not a SINGLE step was 4/5 stars. The website? Stellar. The confirmation of the build? Lovely! The call to change a choice and a refund, done immediately? All of this was incredible. I will, without a doubt, ALWAYS reccomend this site to anyone of my friends and family that might be considering a new PC. I cannot speak to everyone's experience, but IF what I experienced was a true reflection of almost every customer's experience? Then I have never been prouder to recommend a company. If you, like me, haven't used a custom-pc-builder company before and are uncertain, then don't worry. You WILL get what you paid for. 6/5 stars, will use again.
1 year ago
PC Specialist has a 4.8 average rating from 4,317 reviews

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