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Persimmon Teesside built us a rubbish “Hatfield” house. We are gutted, our dream shattered, left feeling like mugs, emotionally drained and mental health suffering because of our experience these past two weeks. Our Professional Independent Inspector identified 152 snags on day of completion, there have been 20 more since we moved in 2 weeks ago. We have been two days without water and had to use the empty house next door’s toilets. There have been countless tradespeople through the house and gardens in the past two weeks, countless it has been manic. Persimmon at the top could have saved the site manager and contracts manager so much time and efforts in the hours and hours they’ve spent on our house this past four weeks had they employed decent tradespersons on the first place ! But no, if our experience is anything to go by Persimmon Teesside contract out to contractors who contract out to contractors who contract out and quite frankly, for example, just one example you end up with plumbers who can’t even fix a u bend under the sink and groundsmen that don’t even know which way up to put the manhole cover, nor lay flag stones. At the time of sale they will tell you the house is inspected along the way - well “if” this is true and “if” our house was inspected then either the inspector inspected it without physically going on site, just signed then bit of paper or the inspector needs a new pair of specs because he missed the 152 snags our Independent Inspector identified. The Director In Tesside really couldn’t care less I don’t think, sending out a letter and £500 voucher towards a new Persimmon home the week after you’ve moved in, a letter saying he hopes you’ve settled in blah blah blah - what an audacity. The construction manager plays dangerous mind games with distressed customers asking “what was wrong with your house” “why did you move in” Well, we had to move into a house with 152 snags plus 20 more, a house that has taken Persimmon 2 weeks of snagging and they’re not done yet because customers have no choice but to move in. Persimmon pull all the shots, Persimmon pull all the deadlines, if the customer doesn’t meet the deadlines then the customer has to pay Persimmon penalties by the day. Shame on Persimmon as a company. Shame on Persmmon Teesside’s Directors for selling rubbish houses. We are the only ones on our estate to have got a Snagger, I bet if the everyone employed one then that would be an eye opener !!!!!
6 years ago
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