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What started off as a really stressful unsetteling experience trying to obtain my unit, ended up being a beautiful experience. I made reservations for a unit via Google on Monday night. Once I packed my car I headed over to my location to receive my unit. Upon arriving at my location I was greeted by an employee whom would meet me at the door, to inform me that he was closing. I relayed to him that I had a reservations and I was here to receive my storage. He advise me to go on line to complete everything cause he had to leave. Disturb by his careless behavior I reached out to customer service who directed me to.another location. The location was 6255 Ga Hwy 85. Once I arrived at the that location I was greeted by associate Shun. Let me tell you that this young lady went ABOVE and BEYOND to assist me in getting my unit. Not only did she express her apologie for my inconvenience, but she made me feel a GREAT sense of relief in the mist of my struggle. She made calls and found solutions to accommodate me. She also offed me tissue for my tears along with words of motivation and encouragement. This young lady definitely deserves to be the face of Public Storage brand. We are in a time where people are facing challenging moments and to have someone who actually takes the time to understand and help in trying times is indeed a BLESSING. I would like to extend my GRATITUDE and SINCERELY thank Shaun for her supportive caring attitude and GREAT customer service. Thank you Public Storage for employing a GEM. I wish her and abundance of blessings throughout her walk in life. GRATITUDE
4 weeks ago
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