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Charles Browning
The customer service staff Allen at Randwick was rude and a smart alec and acted like Yeah I know i saw you before like he knew what the customer wanted-rather than clarify,stop and listen and be patoent reframe- what "i'm hearing is..." .When the customer had corrected no they were wearing a different shoe last time and they were wanting a different shoe to what the service guy thought he know it all thought. Secondly he didnt know that indoor or casual shoes can also have other functions,taking it too literal and got tripped up and said he was confused about the difference and what was being ask.In the end his manner was so combative and argumentative that the customer left and went elsewhere while he was in the store room.So he missed out on making a double sale. Elswehere they were treated with intelligence and respect and bought a few pairs. This contenscious aggro smarty pants guy needs deescalating skills training.
2 months ago
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