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Patricia A Overdeep
Don’t trust prices on Reverb and avoid items sold by Music Fan Yesterday I bought a used $2,000 Gibson J 45 standard guitar that was advertised on Reverb; sold by Music Fan. The expense posted to my credit card. I received a confirmation of sale and I thought I was all set. Today, I received an email saying : sorry the ad was inaccurate, the guitar wasn’t described correctly (they advertised a better model than they actually had on hand) so we are cancelling the sale and are refunding your money. Here is the problem: the seller (Music Fan) decided after selling me the guitar that they had underpriced it. So they abruptly cancelled the sale. As of now, Reverb has not taken steps on my behalf to rectify this situation. Thus the following cautionary tale. Buyers should not trust the prices shown on Reverb for any of the items they market. Buyers should not expect sellers, such as Music Fan, to honor their sales commitments, and buyers should not expect Reverb to hold unethical sellers responsible. In short: do not do business with Reverb and Music Fan. You can easily be defrauded. P.S. I replied to the seller immediately saying I would happily accept the lesser model (Gibson J 45 studio instead of the promised Gibson J 45 standard - which is the more expensive guitar). But the seller insisted on cancelling the entire order. Didn’t ask if i would be ok with the studio model. Just more evidence that the seller was looking for an out. An absolutely shameful way of treating a paying customer who thought they were buying what was actually advertised.
10 months ago
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