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Gertrude Cresent
Brilliant service. They won me over from Tescos Sainsbury's 24/7 garage in Selly oak where a 'drug addict' who they employed as a Cashier to work the tills stole my purse. I put it down on the service counter and when I bent down to get my Tesco 'bags for life' ready to fill up with produce, when I popped back up it was gone! I have had no support from the CEO who 'supposedly takes complaints seriously!' I have had no such occurrences at Sainsburys. They are honest and their opening hours at a time of Covid-19 have been unwavering and very helpful. They open long hours and since they restricted shoppers, like one person allowed in the store, no more than three items, I have been able to put more choice into my diet, as some stock is actually left for me! So well done. I'm sending a very gracious thank you to all Sainsburys staff.
4 years ago
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