If you want to buy a car from these guys, the attention you’ll get is full on, immersive and fills you full of confidence. After you’ve made your purchase however, the story is a polar opposite!
I bought a car from them and paid for it in full, no finance required. Of course, I tried to negotiate, but ended up paying the full asking price. A nice, simple, pain free and profitable transaction for the dealer. When I got the car home, I discovered that it did not come with a spare wheel, but a puncture repair kit. A little disappointing, but understandable in today’s market, but the kit was missing. I called them and was told that a new one would ‘wing it’s way’ to me, ‘pronto’.
Four weeks later, I sent an email requesting an update. I thought this rather patient of me! No reply. I sent another a few days later, copying in a director. Still no reply. I called and asked to speak to a director and was firmly told that would not be possible as ‘directors don’t speak to customers’. Hmm… let me figure… the business is selling cars to… customers! No customers=no sales=no profit=no business. I’m fairly sure that’s the way it works?
I was finally advised that a sales manager would call me. To date, I have STILL not heard from anyone at Saxton 4x4.
I’ve not only managed individual companies in my career, but also groups of companies. As ex. CEO of a large manufacturing and sales organisation, I made it perfectly clear that customers could ALWAYS liaise directly with me or indeed my teams of managing directors and directors if they were unhappy about any aspect of their purchase.
Without customers, we had no business, so the customer was and is always ‘King’. I’m not suggesting that they’re always right of course, but if you don’t interact with them, how can you know how your business is performing? Basic common sense really. But not at Saxton 4x4 it seems!
What’s the cost of a puncture repair kit? £50. £100? I’ve really no idea, but in whole scale of things, extremely inexpensive. ‘Give us your money, then go boil your head’ appears to be their mantra. As I’ve always said, you live and learn! Well, some of us at any rate! I thoroughly recommend that you DO NOT buy a car from this bunch if you want the peace of mind that comes with good after-sales service, because you will not get it at Saxton 4x4.