They do not like minorities, such as myself. Keep track of your holiday pay, as they will "cheat you out of them"; if you are not careful. They operate as a claims handling agency / firm (insurer in contract) for many companies; their biggest is enterprise rent a car. They mange claims for them under a delegated authority (da); ex: enterprise rent a car have a "da" of £20,000 per head of claim, such as pi, motor hire, and repairs each at £20, 000 per head of loss. Anything above the da, has to be sent to enterprise rent a car via an "sen" (authority) to act for above the da. Enterprise , like other companies use them as they are cheaper than paying an insurance excess / per claim of (ex) £250,000 / per claim for the claim to be handled by their insurers for (ex) £10,000,000; hence it is better to hire a claims management company. They get a maximum £1500 / company profit per claim handled and settled., So the quicker a claim is settled the more money for the company. They get £ 250.00 Initially, and £250.00 If a pi element, etc up to £1500.00 Per claim. ***In essence, enterprise rent a car, are self-insured up to £1,000,000 per claim, where needed; but if the claim is a large loss they will transfer to the insurers to deal*** the managers are a arrogant, self devoted, cold hearted, and backstabbing bunch; they will pounce on you if you know more than them - they don't like that. I worked there diligently, and the manager kept down grading my performance because I am of colour. I saw a college, who had worked their for 2 years who had just come back from holiday (just like myself) come back from lunch to be called into a meeting , fired, and immediately escorted out of the building and the manager just come back and play it of happily like it was nothing. ***They are terrible, seriously keep away*** the fired me with out notice on a friday and arrogantly kicked me out of the office, and then /to date cheat me out of my holiday pay. I used 30 hours (7hrs per day / a total of 21 hours per year), and they only paid me for 30 hours and not for my remaining and saved up holiday pay.