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I happened to discover this store just by chance and wish I had known about them a lot earlier. My first contact with the store was a phone call answered by Denny. Until then as far as I was concerned a sprinkler head, a sprinkler nozzle were just that, you seen one you seen them all. Throughout my reviewing their website literature, conversations and email there was absolutely no pressure to buy or steering towards any particular manufacturer or product. Browsing their website and talking to Denny was an education by itself and got to know that the "PROFESSIONAL" grade lawn sprinkler parts were indeed different from the ones we can buy at the local big box hardware stores. Based on the write-ups on their website and my conversations I decided to place my first order sight unseen of the actual products. Just from a skeptic point of view I compared my Consumer grade heads with the Professional grade and they ARE different. The seals are tighter, the springs are more uniform, the spray patterns are more uniform. A very well deserved FIVE STARS not just for the products they sell, but the excellent, knowledgeable, friendly customer service completely devoid of any sales pressure.
3 years ago
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