I use to really like Sweetwater, but before a Management change, before Mike Clem, had some return issues. But resolved, but now, in the past 2 years, horrible!! Every web site I go to, Sweetwater advertisement are very deceiving. Pretty much of the stuff, isn't in stock, or on back order. So there grabbing your IP address, and advertising madly. All that matters that they get you to there site. Probably points on there company, regardless of a sell. BE VERY CAREFUL on the EZ Payments. In your account it show dates for payments to be received, there will be month/months, a line missing that doesn't show up, but your sales person will email you saying you have a payment due. I screenshot there payments, constantly. Reported to Indiana Attorney General's office, at this time, its being reviewed. Not knowing today, after all the gear bought, the inspection before sending you, was a farse, and see a lot of issue posted. But drowning your internet, with advertisement's, is horrible. Almost 8 out 10, the gear isnt in stock, on back order, or dont know when it will be in stock. Theres something wrong here