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I made purchase the other night, the order went through at 11:54PM! I went back on the site the next day to look at jeans and notice that both hoodies I ordered were on sale even further. The $83 dollar hoodie was now $71 and the $60 hoodie is now $50. I reached out by email, sent screenshots of everything. My order #, the receipt, how much the hoodies are now and how much I paid, just 6 minutes before the next price drop occurred. I got a notification that true religion refunded me 52 CENTS!!!! I was in the process of placing another order and said forget it! Had I purchased items anywhere else and the price changed 6 minutes later, I would absolutely be given the difference. I had also clicked to redeem my $15 in points before I noticed the price difference, well, that's gone now too. So I lost $36.42 to a company that just lost a loyal customer. True religion jeans WERE the only jeans I would wear because of the authentic jean materials. They have since started slacking on the quality of clothes they're putting out and I have at least 4 pair of jeans in my closet I will not wear because they are either too thick of jean and not the 100% cotton or they just made the inseams so incredibly long that the jeans go up to my chin. Typical for a company that goes from very little people actually wearing their brand, to more and more people wearing it... guess it went to their head and it became a quantity over quality. What a shame.
5 months ago
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