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Tony Stewart
UPS MICKY MOUSE COMPANY RUN LIKE A MAFIA ORGANIZATION HOLDING PEOPLE PARCELS TO RANSOM CHARGING THEM EXORBITANT LOCAL DUTY TAX HANDLING & STORAGE FEES AND DELAYING THE PROCESS DUE TO BREXIT I am shocked and horrified and disgusted how unprofessional UPS have behaved. Their customer services is useless beyond stupidity. No one seems to know what is going on with parcels that are sent from the United Kingdom to Greece Europe and the exorbitant duty local taxes and handling fees and what people need to pay. They have failed to notify their customers and make them aware of the New Processes of Brexit and the European Union local duty tax and handling storage fees etc.. I am not a business and simply sending personal items to my parent as gifts as I have been doing for the last 20 years. The parcel was sent from the United Kingdom to Greece on the 25th of May 2021 through UPS. The items are gifts and have no commercial value nor will they be re-sold to the Greek market. They are for personal use. I have clearly Highlighted it in the Notes NO COMMERICAL VALUE. I sign a declaration with insurance of £200 for loss and damages. The parcel arrived in Greece on the 1st or the 2nd of June. On the 2nd of June my parents received a call from Brokerage team UPS of Greece Inc. They asked my parent if they had a broker to received parcel. My parent are in their mid-80s and they replied they do have a broker and that the items are personal gift items. The Broker replied she would get back to them and see what she could do. She never called back so I had to escalate the issue from the United Kingdom. They have been delaying the process in Greece. Since then I have been sent from pillar to post from one department to the other. On the 9th of June 2021 I received an email from the Brokerage team in Greece and they were demanding Customs duty Tax and handling and storage fees of 191.56 euros. That is approximately 86% percent of the value of the items. I disputed the amount of 191.56 euros with the UK Export ERN Administrator UPS GBS on the 9th of June. They advised me to issue an invoice for a small amount of 15 to 22 euros. But I did not understand why I had to issue an invoice for items that I am sending to my parents. They sent me a template to make up an invoice and detailing the item total 21.85 euros. This was submitted on Monday the 14th of June 2021. Today I received an email from UK Export ERN Administrator UPS GBS telling me that the Greek Customs have declined my invoice and that they are classing it as fraudulent. So now they are calling me a fraudster for doing what they ask me put on the invoice. UPS now are claiming that local custom duties are out of their control. It seems they have an answer to everything but not admitting liability or negligence and wrong doing. I have been sent from pillar to post from one department to the other. Most of the calls get transferred to India or Eastern Europe with operator that have poor English. On the 17th of June they transferred the call to a department that admitted that they are not sure why they are receiving these calls. The person I spoke to was fed up with the calls they cannot do nothing with to assist people. This is a complete shambles. I contacted UPS Greece brokerage today and the charges have gone up to 206.57 euros which equates to 100% duty cost on the personal gift items. Please note I put a value of £200 for the insurance purposes with no commercial value not for resale. The lady in Greece also said that the United Kingdom is now treated like a 3rd World Country. I was taken back by her comments. We are the 6th largest economy and now the European Union is treading the United Kingdom as a 3rd World Country due to Brexit shocking. Each day that goes by the daily charge is increasing. I asked them how much it would cost to return the parcel to the UK as I originally paid £28.39 Now they tell me it would cost over 200 euros to return the parcel. As I mentioned before UPS are holding people to ransom forcing people to either abandon their parcels or pay the exorbitant charges. Now they are accusing me of Tax avoidance this is now getting serious. So now I am a fraudster and a Tax dodger. I finally accepted to pay the exorbitant charges and I called UPS Greece Brokerage Department to pay the charges and the lady who I spoke to is avoiding my calls deliberately delaying the process again. There excuse is that they need to go through local customs clearance. Its 20 days now. I called her twice and was promised a call back by her colleague She never returned my calls. This whole experience has left me with a bitter after taste and disgusted filled with anxiety and anger and frustration. I have spent over 20 hours on calls and emails numerous days and still no outcome. Its been over 20 days now and no outcome. Called the UPs Uk number and they are now no picking up their calls. I urge people to stop using UPS and this company they have demonstrated complete arrogance and incompetence they simply do not care. Looking at the reviews it show you a clear indication they are falling apart as a company. I made the biggest mistake not checking out the reviews before I bought their services. My Advice to people please check before you send out stuff to the European Union
3 years ago
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