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C-0196008293 - 1Z3Z28YTDK16265622 Terrific and mafia-like experience lasting for 6 months. I shipped a new child bike present to Italy for Xmas. It got back to London after over 1 months. The box was open and resealed and the bike was intentionally hit and destroyed in the core parts (ie the chain and brakes), whilst the basket and doll holder (very fragile) were intact. I gathered that it happened in Catania, specifically.After 3 months of claim, long telephone calls, idiocy (perhaps fake ) by the staff, which hardly speak English, emails and inspection, I managed to get refunded for the shipping cost and bike. After 6 months, I got invoices from them asking me to pay the shipping cost and customs . I was leaving this address and got that letter by pure chance. Again, calls, emails, kids answering the phone and emails with completely macaronic English, I have been told to ignore that invoice. Is it all ended? I doubt, but if they continue with this harassment, I will certainly get involved the police and a lawyer and I will win because it is all documented. The attached one is one of the many emails sent by Madalaine S. I simply asked to confirm that I could ignore that invoice and told by phone. She seems drunk when she writes. Did they test her English? Does she have capacity? What a clinical case!
8 months ago
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