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Ordered 3 items from very forgot to use voucher code, ordered the same items 5mins after the first order using £25 off code when u spend £50. All items arrived on the same day, collected and returned what I had doubled up on, not realising that it would matter which order I sent back as items were identical. They removed the £25 voucher from my account and now require me to pay in full. So I called to enquire about this only to be cut off after waiting 16mins and 18mins on each call both at 35p per min. Called back, this time said I wanted to place an order.... Surprise surprise my call got through straight away! Put through to an advisor who told me that they could not honour the £25 off code as I returned the item! I explained 301 times I had kept items worth £82 on the same order but because I had returned the item I had used the code on they could not honour it. How pathetic!!!!! 30 mins later..... She still couldn't do it. So now I'm paying the £25 plus another £20+ I will be charged for making the stupid call..... Oh and a late payment charge of £12 because I paid my bill 2 days earlier than my statement date so it didn't count as a November payment. Paid the balance and closed my account... Never again!!!!
9 years ago
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